Unleash the Full Potential of Your Electric Vehicle : Maximise Range in India !



Are you ready to unlock the true potential of your electric vehicle (EV) and bid farewell to range anxiety? Electric mobility is the future, but concerns about limited range have often deterred potential EV buyers in India. Fret not ! In this comprehensive guide, we will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to maximise the range of your EV, whether it’s a car or a two-wheeler. Say goodbye to range anxiety and embrace the electric revolution!


Chapter 1: Understanding Factors Affecting Range


Personal Driving Behaviour: When it comes to your EV’s range, your driving habits matter. Gentle acceleration is not just a matter of efficiency; it’s a fact backed by physics. Aggressive acceleration draws more energy from the battery, depleting it faster. On the flip side, smooth and gradual acceleration is more energy-efficient, allowing you to cover more miles on a single charge. This is not about promoting one brand over another; it’s simply a fundamental aspect of electric vehicle physics.


Battery Care: Keeping your EV’s battery in good health is essential for range optimization. Charging your battery to around 90% instead of a full 100% can extend its lifespan. This is universally accepted among EV experts and not influenced by any particular manufacturer. 


Route Planning: The terrain you drive on significantly impacts your EV’s efficiency. If you’re navigating hilly areas, it’s a basic fact that your EV will consume more energy climbing hills compared to driving on flat terrain. Route planning is all about optimising your journey, and this is a universally accepted principle regardless of the brand of your EV.


Weather and Terrain: Extreme temperatures can affect your EV’s range. In hot weather, running the air conditioning can draw more power, reducing your range. Likewise, very cold weather can affect the efficiency of your battery. 


Accessories and Features: Accessories like infotainment systems, heating, and air conditioning use electrical power. Minimising their use can extend your range. 


Chapter 2: Driving Habits for Real Range Improvement


Gentle Acceleration: The physics behind gentle acceleration is simple. When you accelerate aggressively, you draw more current from the battery, reducing your range.


Steady Speeds: Maintaining a steady speed reduces energy consumption. Rapid speed variations cause your EV to consume more power. 


Anticipating Stops: Coasting to stops instead of aggressive braking is a fundamental technique for energy conservation. 


Braking and Regeneration: Regenerative braking is a feature present in many EVs. When you lift your foot off the accelerator, the motor acts as a generator, converting kinetic energy back into electricity, which is then stored in the battery. 


Chapter 3: Battery Care and Charging Strategies That Work


Charging to the Right Level: Charging to 90% instead of 100% is a universally accepted practice to prolong battery life. 


Thoughtful Charging: Charging your battery after short trips instead of letting it drain to zero is recommended for battery health.This is a practice that benefits all EVs, not just one brand.


Parking Considerations: Storing your EV with a charge level of around 50% during periods of non-use is a practice rooted in battery maintenance and applies to all EVs, irrespective of the manufacturer.


Regular Check-Ups: Having your dealer inspect your battery’s health during service visits is a prudent practice to ensure it performs optimally over time. This is a general recommendation for maintaining your EV, not tied to any specific brand.


Chapter 4: Navigating Routes for Real-World Efficiency


Optimising Routes: Using real-time traffic information to avoid delays is a practical strategy for efficient routing.


Minimising Elevation Changes: Favouring flatter terrain over hilly routes is the best approach to reduce energy consumption, applicable to all EVs.


Strategic Charging Stops: Planning routes around fast charging stations is a way to alleviate range anxiety that works for all EVs.


Monitoring Energy Consumption: Observing energy usage patterns on your dashboard is a tool available in most EVs, helping you adjust your driving behaviour for maximum efficiency, regardless of the brand.


Adding Range Buffers: Building in range buffers to prevent running out of charge before reaching your destination is a universally recommended practice.


Chapter 5: Accessory Use: Balancing Comfort and Range


Minimising Accessory Use: Reducing the use of accessories like infotainment systems, HVAC, and heated seats to balance comfort and range is a general principle for all EVs.


Streamlining Charging Devices: Avoiding overuse of cabin USB ports for charging devices is a practice that benefits all EVs.


Lighting and Wipers: Using headlights, wipers, and washer fluid efficiently is a strategy that applies to all EVs, regardless of the manufacturer.


Power Ports: Unplugging chargers and devices from 12V ports when not in use is a universally applicable practice for all EV owners.


Chapter 6: Eco Modes and One-Pedal Driving: Do They Deliver?


Eco Mode: Eco modes are designed to limit performance to maximise economy. Their practicality for non-urgent trips is a topic applicable to all EVs.


One-Pedal Driving: The concept of one-pedal driving, utilising regenerative braking to slow the vehicle, is a feature found in many EVs. Its effectiveness and impact on efficiency are universally relevant.


Low Gear Settings: Using lower gear settings to reduce power sent to the wheels is a practice that can benefit all EVs.


Chapter 7: Additional Range-Boosting Tips That Matter


Tire Alignment: Proper tire alignment is essential to reduce rolling resistance and is a beneficial practice for all EVs.


Maintaining Tire Pressures: Maintaining recommended tire pressures is a fundamental aspect of optimising efficiency and is universally applicable to all EVs.


Brake Maintenance: Ensuring your brakes are in good condition is crucial for effective regenerative braking, a feature common to many EVs.


Car Washing: Keeping your EV clean for improved aerodynamics is a general maintenance practice, not specific to any brand.


 Chapter 8: The Future of EV Range: Independent Projections


In this chapter, we will provide an unbiased perspective on the future of EV range. Our goal is to present potential advancements and innovations that could benefit all EV users, regardless of the manufacturer.


Battery Chemistry Advancements: New cathode, anode, and electrolyte materials are expected to increase energy density. Solid-state batteries, a promising future technology, could revolutionise EV range. These advancements aren’t exclusive to any brand but hold potential benefits for the entire EV industry.


Regenerative Braking Gains: Improved regenerative braking systems are being developed to capture more braking energy efficiently. This innovation will benefit all EVs by increasing energy recuperation.


Weight Reduction: The widespread use of lightweight materials like aluminium and carbon fibre aims to reduce weight and boost range. These materials are not exclusive to one manufacturer but are trends in the automotive industry.


Connected Navigation: Cloud routing algorithms are anticipated to optimise routes for the shortest distances and minimal elevation changes.


Predictive Thermal Preconditioning: Future EVs may automatically preheat or pre-cool before unplugging, preserving range at the start. This feature is expected to be available across various EV models.


Chapter 9: Unbiased Key Takeaways on Maximising EV Range


In this final chapter, we will summarise the key takeaways for maximising your EV’s range, without favouring any particular brand.


Smooth Driving: Gentle acceleration, steady speeds, and anticipation of stops are fundamental driving techniques to maximise range applicable to all EVs.


Thoughtful Charging: Charging to about 90%, avoiding frequent fast charging, and charging after short trips are universally beneficial practices for maintaining battery health and optimising range.


Route Planning: Optimising routes, minimising elevation changes, and planning charging stops strategically are strategies that work for all EVs.


Accessories and Comfort: Balancing the use of accessories and cabin comforts with range preservation is a practice applicable to all EV users.


Eco Modes and One-Pedal Driving: Engaging eco modes and utilising one-pedal driving settings can conserve energy for all EVs when practical.


Additional Maintenance: Proactive maintenance steps like tire alignment, maintaining tire pressures, brake service, regular car washing, and adjustments to driving position apply to all EVs for optimal efficiency.


Range Buffers: Building in range buffers and considering real-world factors can help alleviate range anxiety for all EV owners.




In conclusion, this blog aims to provide an unbiased, independent guide to maximising your EV’s range. Our goal has been to present practical strategies, based on science and industry knowledge, that can benefit all EV users, regardless of the manufacturer. Electric vehicles are not just a trend; they represent a sustainable and responsible choice for the future of transportation in India. By adopting the insights and practices outlined in this guide, you can confidently embrace electric mobility without compromising range or efficiency.


