Hot Weather and Your EV : Tips to Preserve Range and Battery Life

If you’re an electric vehicle owner, the summer heat might affect your usual battery range expectations. On average, EV’s lose about 17% of their range when the temperature hits 95 degrees Fahrenheit. But fear not,  We’ve got a quick science lesson and some easy tips to help you make the most of your EV battery during those scorching days. 


How Heat Affects EV Batteries :


Contrary to popular belief, warm weather isn’t the issue. Most EV’s perform best at around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, when the temperature climbs into the high 80’s and beyond, range loss and battery damage can become a concern.


 Here’s how heat can impact your EV :


Driving in Extreme Heat : Higher temperatures speed up chemical reactions in the battery, making them less efficient . Increased rolling resistance from hot tires and constant air conditioning use further stress the battery.


Parking in Direct Sunlight : The sun’s rays can break down the protective layer around your battery, leading to faster degradation .


Charging on Hot Days: High temperatures make the electric current stronger, potentially creating tiny cracks in the battery, making it harder for energy to flow freely.


Tips to Beat the Heat:


While you can’t control the weather, you can adopt these habits to mitigate reduced range and prolong your EV’s battery life:


  • Shade is Your Friend: Park in a garage, covered lot, or shaded area to keep your EV cool.


  • Pre-Cooling: Use an app or timer function to pre-cool your EV while it’s still plugged in.


  • AC Moderation: Use the air conditioning system sparingly. Dress for the heat, lower the windows, or rely on seat coolers if your EV has them.


  • Inflate Those Tires: Keep tires properly inflated to reduce rolling resistance and improve efficiency.


  • Lighten the Load: Keep your EV clutter-free and clean to avoid unnecessary weight, which can affect efficiency.


  • Time Matters: Avoid driving and charging during the hottest parts of the day, if possible.


  • Charge to 80%: Opt for an 80% charge instead of 100% to reduce internal resistance and heat, easing the stress on the battery.


  • Utilize Vehicle Features: If available, use “battery saver” and “hill-hold” modes to optimize battery performance.




While higher temperatures impact all vehicles, EV’s may experience decreased range and reduced battery capacity over time. By adopting these simple habits related to how you drive, charge, park, and cool your vehicle, you can minimise the impact of extreme heat on your electric driving experience.




